von Anfang bis Ende
höchste Virtuosität

- Schweriner Volkszeitung -

Joachim Schäfer


Joachim Schäfer is regarded as one of the leading trumpeters of his generation. He regularly impresses audiences and critics alike with his technical sovereignty, as well as his effortless, stylistically confident, and dynamically sensitive musical performance, which he uses to set high standards. Born in Dresden, Joachim Schäfer received his musical education at the conservatory "Carl Maria von Weber" in Dresden. Right at the beginning of his career, he was not only able to play at festivals and concerts in Germany, but also in Italy, France, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and the United States.

Joachim Schäfer is the founder and leader of several ensembles. In 1999, he founded the trumpeter ensemble that is still named after him. This ensemble initially gave concerts with an instrumentation of three piccolo trumpets and an organ. Within a short amount of time, the ensemble was able to celebrate great success due to the extraordinary understanding of the musicians for every type of music, so that additional instrumentalists could be invited to join the ensemble. Since 2006, the ensemble Joachim Schäfer has been playing with a unique instrumentation of six piccolo trumpets, timbales, and a large basso continuo. That is how the sound of the former royal courts could be revived in their musical performances. The ensemble was invited to play at nationally acclaimed concert series and festivals, such as the Chorin Music Summer (Choriner Musiksommer ), the Nieder-Mooser Organ Concerts (Nieder-Mooser Orgelkonzerte), the Hoechst Organ Summer (Höchster Orgelsommer), the Cloister Concerts in Preetz (Klosterkonzerte in Preetz), the Weilburger Castle Concerts (Weilburger Schlosskonzerte), the Quedlinburg Music Summer (Quedlinburger Musiksommer), as well as the International Bach Days in Hesse & Thuringua (Internationale Bachtage Hessen & Thüringen).

Furthermore, Joachim Schäfer has recently founded the Chamber Ensemble of Dresden Solists (Kammerensemble Dresdner Solisten), consisting of musicians of famous orchestras. Due to a regular collaboration, he is also well-connected to the Prussian Chamber Orchestra (Preußisches Kammerorchester). In 2014, Joachim Schäfer is planning to play a number of concerts with the Dresden Band Solists (Dresdner Kapellsolisten) and the Munich Bach Orchestra (Münchener Bach-Orchester). Together with the Munich Bach Orchestra, Joachim Schäfer intends to go on a big tour to present Johann Sebastian Bach's Brandenburgische Concerts in Japan, where he will play the Second Brandenburgische Concert, as well as other musical works.

Joachim Schäfer dedicated a lot of his time and effort to the transcription and editing of musical works. Among other musical works, he edited Johann Sebastian Bach's 'Auf schmetternde Töne der muntern Trompeten' (On Blaring Sounds of Lively Trumpets) based on the cantata BWV 207a, as well as Georg Friedrich Händel's 'Feuerwerks- und Wassermusik' (Firework and Water Music) for 8 trumpets, timbales, organ, and basso continuo.

Since 1998, CDs have been published regularly by the label ' Christophorus' in Heidelberg that document the brilliant trumpeting skills of Joachim Schäfer.




In the Press

 „The difficult and fast-paced passages and sequences ... were tackled by the musician with a level of confidence that can only be expected from a true master musician.“
– Mitteldeutsche Zeitung – 

„Joachim Schäfer captivated the audience with an absolutely clear, round sound that can hardly be outperformed in its suasiveness and grace.“
 – Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten – 

„Perky, yet cheerful were the trumpets - conducted with courageous skill to meet all expectations. Luscious sonority, a great depth of expressiveness in the slow movements.“
 – Rheinpfalz Kulturregional – 

„...from the very first to the very last moment ... he showed the highest level of virtuosity…"
 – Schweriner Volkszeitung – 



Joachim K. Schäfer
Prof.-Wilhelm-Ring 15
01445 Radebeul
